Iris Krampitz

In addition to extensive tables and graphics, and scientific evaluations, the long questionnaire contains numerous examples from practical, comprehensive recommendations and helpful tips, such as biomass, solar and wind companies in the long term to improve their image, increase their awareness and can efficiently use their marketing and PR budget. The approximately 100 pages strong…

Federal Ministry Climate

Energy consensus climate: Academy offers fourth and fifth module in February 2014 on organic products and the themes of the fourth and fifth module of the energy consensus climate is a climate-friendly procurement: Academy. The seminar of product integration of the market of the future is green”on February 6 leads the expert for the assessment…


And this is where the opposition lie. If costs for BIPV begin to reach the point where BIPV products can be positioned as part of a standard portfolio of high-end building materials then the demand is expected to explode. Since cost remains a significant part of the demand equation, the dynamics of pricing must be…


On the energy label of the apparatus, all energy – and environment-related data, such as the consumption of electricity and water, can be found. On most devices, the efficiency class A is the best, when refrigerators, it is the class A++. * avoiding standby losses TV, a stereo and a computer consume even in the…


StarCom is breaking new ground and recommends its customers a further measure of Munich of the telecommunications provider StarCom offers its customers immediately a double savings model: since September of this year StarCom clients not only on the phone can save, but about the power provider Energy2day GmbH from Munich in the daily energy consumption….

LPG – Helpful Tips And Information

LPG is used not only for heating, but also for hot water and cooking. Not only industrial firms and businesses use LPG for various thermal processes. Also in private households and communal areas, LPG ensures economic energy supply. The right decision, if you look at the development of the energy costs in recent years. LPG…

More Customer Loyalty Through Prepaid Energy Services

Solvency of customers in emergency situations ensuring Paderborn (Germany), August 16, 2011: offering prepaid energy services, is similar to the well-known prepaid system in the mobile sector, on course for growth. This solution brings benefits both customers and utilities, such as for example the energy supply for non-creditworthy consumers against advance payment. Orga systems, #1…