Verena Alberti City

Paul Thompson is reference for this study that if worries in bringing to tona those that they were part of the gamma of excluded and that they complained its place in history. The city lived intensely as scene the revolutions of 1930 and 1932, with bloody combats and some booties in the local commerce facilitated…

Judiciary Power

Therefore, in if treating to concepts that they send to the public, the fact is that each individual inside projects proper itself of the cultural identity and at the same time internaliza its meanings and values, becoming part of all, contributing to line up in the subjective feelings with the objective places that occupy in…

The Secretariat

5 – School Linhares Maria Da Silva, in the Tangu, with professor Dartagnan Everton de a Cruz. 6 – School Luis Towers, in the Ju, with the teacher Lucidelma G. To sound Towers. 7 – School Peter Lopes de Barros, in the Nesting Is Peter, with the professor Urban Francisco Saucers Grandson. 8-Severiano Alves de…

Beautiful Mount

Such project dislodged thousand of people and had removed other commercial establishments innumerable, demolindo sets of ten of building. Without hesitation baby clothes explained all about the problem. It modified the fisionomia and structure of the city, and that it reed-echo directly in the conditions of life of the population poor. The demolitions had raised…

President Cabral

They descend of Antonio, the Lustosa of the North and of the South, the Francisco. Fine gold is, currently, a good city and headquarters of the city of equal name. Rich land where still today they last, with evident projection, the old rebentos of the Lustosa, its founders. With the acquisition of lands that made…

The Explicit

This attempt of propagation of ideas and values of a classroom for the set of the society as form to not only camouflage, but also to strengthen its domination, makes with that, in certain way, if they disqualify, if minimizes initiatives of transformation proceeding from the too much component classrooms of the society. If the…

Calendar Armelina

Calendar Armelina – Project of the World calendar, created by Frenchman Gustave Armelinym in 1888 (a development of ideas of an Italian priest Marco Mastrofini). Year in the calendar Armelina divided into four quarters to 91 day. In the first month of each quarter, ie January, April, July and October – for 31 days in…

Project Wonders

Ability: To know the beauties of the Seven Wonders of the Old World, Modern World and of the State of the Paraba, locating in critical and responsible way in relation to the preservation and conservation. To recognize the importance of the identity and the development of the Seven Wonders of the Old World, Modern World…

Peru Pact

In the height of colonialismo, during centuries XV to the XVII, the colonial pact was restored as an unilateral aiming in the relation metropolis-colony how much to the economic aspects and politicians. The pact, in other words, was an imposition of the metropolis? decision center? to the colony? area of exploration and/or povoamento? thus detaching…

Soviet Union

"These countries should not be able to cause the defeat of Germany. " "So our position is clear respecting the neutrality, we provide economic assistance to Germany, supplying raw materials and foodstuffs. For us, it is important that the war lasted as long as possible in order to drain power obeh sides. (As opposed to…