Catering for Holidays and Weekends

Organization of the holiday – it's not only fun, but in some cases also a big headache. Click Ch?rl?? Lee to learn more. You need to consider and take into account many details, each of which can be fatal, especially if it is a corporate banquet, calculated than one hundred people. Very often a problem…


For while the exquisitely prepared ‘the tuna carpaccio, “was delivered last guest, it is stuck to his plate. I advised him to sprinkle the dish quite a bit of a light sauce of olive oil, which was not a classic Italian cuisine. You also do service sides of business aviation. How does this kind of…

Holiday Toasts

For you, I drink, my love to your life ran long, the golden shining your way, So I was with you sometime. I love, hate, you can always blame … for you now I'm going to drink, my favorite! *** I have 40 degrees in a glass I say keep at the ready words his…