Poland High

Narcissism is not disease based, when it has a personality disorder. Narcissism is an experience – and practice of healthy people, so per se is nothing abnormal. It occurs naturally in the child development and is then lost based on interpersonal communication and the corresponding feedback mostly. Only with very strong expression and if the…

Cold Lozenges

We ask why this is so, the experts in the cold, wet season is now the risk of colds high. Many people rely to the strengthening of the immune system on zinc and vitamin C. This is also a good choice, because properly applied zinc and vitamin C can reduce the risk of disease and…

The Eye In Focus

In ophthalmology, the use piezobasierter tilting mirror systems and Ultraschallantrie-be PI laser beam control ensures the necessary precision in the refractive correction of Visual acuity. The drives are used for the control and fo kussierung of the laser beam. Removal of corneal tissue using laser beams, the corneal curvature in the complete is modeled so…

Market Manufacturer

Production, manufacturing or production? The manufacture of medicinal products and medical devices is not a purely technical Act. This realization can reduce costs! For consumers, it seems clear: manufacturer is the one whose brand name is on the product. This produced but often not itself: as a Distributor, he leaves it a contract manufacturer. So…