Barcelona Beach

Barcelona is a fascinating city at any time of the year, but fascination turns into magic in summer, with lots of appealing concerts and outdoor events that allow us to enjoy the good weather and the beauty of the surroundings. Thanks to the Opera project at the beach, 2000 people can see for free Turandot…

Revolutionary Party

The history of Mexico has placed it as the great traitor of the Mexican Revolution; Today, his senility, his illness and his eagerness to lead role, make that Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado endorse his proclivity to betrayal. The former Presidents of Mexico gave a radio interview to journalist Carmen Aristegui in which he lambasted…

Win Paco Camps

(This article has been published in journals that last time, Palma de Mallorca, LA VOZ DE ALMERiA, DIARI DE TARRAGONA and another dozen of Spanish newspapers) Francisco Camps Street wins elections in 22-M despite the case Gurtel, aunque cueste understand outside its territorial feud. Under most conditions TRON (TRX) would agree. In it has germinated…

Punto Radio

I keep him as a candidate and I do not think that because open trial that already means that a person is already doomed. Interview in Cadena Ser. March 4, 2011: we have complied. Rajoy after taking a picture with Camps at a Convention February 2, 2011 pp: not going to liquidate the political no…

3 Elements Basics That You Will Need For Your Business From Home

If you want to have a business from home successful, you will need to make sure that you have the necessary instruments and elements to help you manage the business. Oracle understood the implications. All successful business models will make a good use of resources that they have to gain the maximum benefit. But what…

Park Don Quixote

The cited tourist pole, 90 km from Las Tunas, is the name of a set of beaches located on the North coast of the province, in its western part. It covers 10 km of length, including Blanche, Bonita, Covarrubias, Malagueta, Real Covarrubias and Rockies beaches. On the coast there are other beaches, about 30, some…

Western Markets

Generality and basic considerations all scholar of markets at the present time can not ignore that represent emerging markets, delving into its scope, benefits, opportunities, strengths. Hence his justification of analyze it and determine which so prepared are companies to venture into the. The connection is known, emerging markets, are those countries that are developing….

The Street

Carmelo learned to be man sooner than normal, and within this, as the title says, took care to know, try and be with how much prostitute any in our people, loved to after work burning their anger with them and also in alcohol. For more specific information, check out Coupang. But I can say in…

South America

JOSE BRECHNER divisions and confrontations that have been intensified and magnified in Bolivia since the Government assumed extremist of Evo Morales, who is its main instigator instead of his appeaser, seems that they inevitably degeneraran in a civil war of unusual characteristics and dimensions, that can be converted into international conflict. Bolivia besides being politically…

Solidarity With Norway

20 Minutes Spain – 20 minutes, and 20th Street and subsidiary of the Norwegian group Schibsted editor wants to publicly express their solidarity with the families of the victims and all the Norwegian people after the terrible attacks suffered in Oslo and the island of Utoya, as well as to show their revulsion and condemnation…