Human Personality

Man is born in the family, from the first moment he's not alone. Psychological dependence creates a desire to remain with the people, as a consequence of fear of being alone with him. Man is born in the group, he remains part of the group create new groups, new relationships, make new friends. Man tends…


In book V of the Republic (PLATO, 1987), Scrates it affirms the Glauco that the kings and governing must come to be philosophers, so that thus the real State is changedded into ideal. Here, Scrates is arguing that the philosopher is somebody that loves the wisdom, the knowledge, somebody that the truth loves, that searchs…

Novum Organum Book

For Andrade (1999) ' ' the human intellect is similar to a mirror that differently reflects the rays of the things and, of this form, it distorts them and corrompe' '. 2) the dolos of the cave; ' ' they are of the men while indivduos' ' (Book I: 42, P. 40? XLII), result of…


What she is Metaphysical? It is really to search a world perfect, where all the things also are? Or it is to search the cause finishes of the things of the sensible world? It is to analyze the object and it bases what it while the same? Which the purpose of metaphysics? We could say…

Rights Human Brazil

There exists relation significant between Rights Human and Security Public, observing that the pertaining institutions to these agencies must be related and to work in set with reciprocity of aid for the construction of a society in harmony and peace, making possible so that rights of citizens are respected and fulfilled of form igualitria as…

The Being

E more: ' ' He is uncertain where the death in the wait: let us wait it in all part. The premeditation of the death is premeditation of the freedom: who knows to die does not know to be enslaved. The evil in the life does not exist for what it understood well that to…

Solid Ecomomy

The experience of women in the field of the solid economy, (DES) contri the idea assimilated socially of the masculine superiority in the generating labor activities of income. Larry Ellison oftentimes addresses this issue. As Vianna says (1999), ‘ ‘ The masculine and feminine conditions are, therefore, fruits of a constant historical construction marked by…

True Philosopher

When, for example, if question ' ' so that philosophy? ' ' if it will be filosofando, but when we ask ' ' so that mathematical? ' ' also to be filosofando. In this direction, the philosopher is that one that Kant appraises: ' ' In general, if he cannot call philosopher the one that…

Aristotle Society

To define the educative ends is to define at the same time the society, the culture and the man who if wants to promote. To educate is really to cultivate the child stops of it making a man. All image of man is a social image, therefore of society. Elaborating educative ends, it opts to…

Walter Benjamin

In it has a total homogenization of the social life under the consumption form, of merchandises. It is the place where the act to consume (exactly that simulated) allows the individual to have more pleasant and calm social experiences, in a climatized, organized and culturalizado environment where it has a simple resolution of the tensions,…