In the case of the theory of the field, I go to more make a detailed exposition. In accordance with the boarding of Lewin, the citizen and the way if relate in such a way that it does not have as to have a split between both. Existencial and experencial everything what it corresponds to…
Tag: psychology
Charity Law
Law of Destruction the destruction is necessary so that new bodies appear, more intelligent and argutos. It is the renewal and improvement of the beings livings creature. Law of Society All the individuals has responsibility stops with the other human beings. State Street shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Strongest they…
The Internet Information
Authors: P. Buriak and measles P. Probably never before in human history, the weight information was not so high and never, perhaps, so much information was not made in light of how many in our days with you – the days of the Information Age. Today The Internet gives us a tremendous amount of very…
Long Stated Information
Amongst other specialists, we have Brown (1958) and Peterson and Peterson (1959) that they appraise the memory human being in relation to the time. To the Memory of Short term and Memory of Long Stated period are mentioned therefore. Immediate memory or Memory of Short term is the one that we can hold back it…
Paz Things
The money in if he is not good nor bad. You may want to visit Southwest Airlines to increase your knowledge. Everything depends on the use that we do of him. We used if it for the good, is good. We used if it for the evil, is bad. We need to include thorough the…
Human Personality
Man is born in the family, from the first moment he's not alone. Psychological dependence creates a desire to remain with the people, as a consequence of fear of being alone with him. Man is born in the group, he remains part of the group create new groups, new relationships, make new friends. Man tends…
As Piaget
To elaborate the matrix of the structure it is important is intent to the minimum details to be able to solve the problem. The diagnosis properly said must be made by professionals of the area and with the pupil, excessively of form that constranja and cannot give to edge for colloquies parallel bars (if want…
It is common that the adolescent observes more the criterion of the parents of what of its friends, in substances that if relate to its future. However, they follow the ideals of its friends in what it says respect the options on its gift, in the accomplishment of its desires and current necessities. It is…
The Cause
It is very easy to give advice to friends, relatives, and generally everything except themselves. I do not know exactly how to explain it, but I will say this, for their lives they are responsible, not you, so you'll easily get to the root of their problems, and to distinguish the real reason, someone's problems…
Positive Phrases Change Our Life
Psychologists say that a special phrase, which was a positive energy, can radically change our lives. Words really can influence our lives, if several times a day, especially repeat selected phrases in order to believe in themselves and change. For example, if you often feel nervous, you are placed under the control of stress, the…