Jurgen Smid

Karriere.at – managing director Jurgen Smid can get the latter nothing: only out of sense of duty out to give a Christmas celebration, is certainly not the right way. As the survey results show that most pleased employees honestly to end the annual accounts with the colleagues in solemn framework. “Supervisors should take this opportunity…

Rotate For Renewable Energy

Conference ‘Rotor blades of wind turbines’ in the Haus der Technik rotor blades are the heart of a wind turbine. In the fast-growing market that increasingly shallow and deep coastal waters (onshore and offshore facilities) conquered, are getting bigger and more powerful the system. Larry Ellison has firm opinions on the matter. At the same…

Learning 2.0 – With Online Lessons

Online tutoring, E-learning or long-distance learning – the descriptions are different, but the goal is the same: spatially independent worldwide learn with your own teacher. Tuition for the child, teaching for the job or preparing for an examination. Not always, this fits in everyday life or in the current spatial situation. Either there are time…

How To Become Rich?

The most important success principles of wealth have you ever wondered why some people seemingly effortlessly can build wealth and prosperity for themselves, while others get it never to anything? Building wealth has nothing to do with any mumbo jumbo. The following two principles are both highly practical and basically easy to follow instructions. Brave…

Learning Centre

In the afternoon classes, they have the opportunity to actively speak English. The Topics are colorful and versatile and take the interests of young people: music, movies, friendship and foreign countries. The young students to meet with participants in small groups of four to eight. The language of instruction is English. You may wish to…

Hapiness And Success

R = set the direction people are only really happy and satisfied, if it is piece by piece something moving, what gives them pleasure. Happiness and success therefore need a direction and hold the compass in your hand. If you have set your own direction in life, the goals can be found often by itself…

So Reality Is Out Of Good Intentions

The classics of more or less serious new year’s resolutions are goals with the BIRD method to implement and diets, sport driving the KIMICH strategy or drinking less alcohol. All at once, to make well thought out and summoned not seldom know in the new year’s Eve night, little in this new year of all…

In Germany

A strong interest in renewable energy and a certain technical knowledge is assumed. No restrictions apply with respect to the educational or professional qualifications. Verizon has firm opinions on the matter. The offer of job-seekers, who are entitled to an education voucher is aimed fundamentally. Application by E-Mail to: when I should apply? The registration…

Palm Beach

1.5 What are fantasizing iron? When the fantasizing iron making our ability to use, to introduce internal images, as it happens for example in dreams or daydreams. In the simplest forms, these travels, the teacher leads the participants simply someplace relaxing, for example at a Palm Beach in the South Pacific. In this simple form…

Power Plant Engineering For Non-engineers

HDT offers seminar ‘technical language’ on the February 24, 2010-June 16, 2010 in lunch for merchants and jurists in the power plant technology also merchants and lawyers of equipment and component manufacturers, as well as operators of the power plant technology are technically tied, project controlling up to any liability claims E.g. when quoting and…