Exactly thus, the mayor of Conceio of the Fair, insisted and justified: ' ' The mayor of the neighboring city is ' ' touching terror' ' in my city, with car of sound in the streets, requesting the public equipment keys, as school and headquarters, under allegation of that the town of Teru is in its territory I not I lower to the level of it I am bringing the problem so that they help you to me resolver' '. The mayor of Lauro de Freitas, Mrs. Moema Gramacho, congratulated the Legislative House of the Bahia, remembering that, during its mandate of State deputy, projects of law of initiative of legislators they were not approved and that Law 12,057 is the test of that the times had moved with the new government of the Bahia. Moema, after to cite the Federal Constitution and 4 of art. 1 of the law in guideline (vide below), remembered that, in art. 58 of the Act of the Transitory provisions of the Constitution of the State of the Bahia, see that a commission would be created to proceed the setting from the limits boundaries between the cities of Salvador and Lauro de passed Freitas and that the stated period of one year, if the works of the commission were not concluded (for agreement or survey), would fit to the State to determine the limits of the areas in litigation. With this, the mayor requested steps of the State legislature, through the Special Commission of Territorial Subjects and Emancipation, for the immediate solution of the problem that affects its city, mainly, how much to Quarters of Ipitanga and White Sand.
Moema said despite the mayor of Salvador, Mr. Joo Enrique, already it admitted that such areas belong to the city of Lauro de Freitas, however, for questions politics not yet it officialized agreement. The Dep.