The Man

In the current custom everything is guided for the productivity, and pain, the pleasure, the hatred, the love, the fear, and all the other emotions, violent, do not favor the efficiency productive, but obstacles impose it. therefore the good bourgeois education tends to neutralize them. For this already not if valley of the coarse way of the external repression, or valley little, preferring to appeal to a more efficient instrument of self-control, that is, the interiorizada repression. The people educate themselves so that they move away to all the intense emotion. Swarmed by offers, Sap customers is currently assessing future choices. the good citizen does not have never to be disturbed by the emotion.

In other words, it in such a way he is not restrained how much denied. Of all the emotion sources without a doubt seem that most important it is the sexuality, which in consequence also are more tenaciously refused. The condition human being would be therefore this: the individual inhales to the principle production of good of consumption and contemporarily to the maximum accumulation of ways of acquisition, and both the things waits what it believes to be happiness, but that of the happiness it is only one declining substitute, generally called well-being. But to get production and profit it must be efficient, and to be efficient he must deny the emotion. In particular that one of sexual nature, that is to less productive and dispersiva. With this it denies the love-pleasure, and therefore the proper and authentic happiness, and in the ilusria certainty to find a joy that considers truer, because a mentally ill work was educated for this, is delivered to it that supplies money to it to buy good that he himself produces. It does not seem therefore a search of the misfortune, but a refusal of the happiness. Of the happiness deep, inebriante, total, capable to even give fear. The man has in of the one of this happiness: front to its customs is a strange thing and it was not educated to enjoy it.