Another ressaltadonesta aspect research, is that the average of time of marital convivncia of these couples, turned around 11 a15 years or above of the 20 years, what in accordance with the authors, could indicarque the moment in the cycle of the life familiar it could influence in the decision pelaadoo. Beyond the biological condition, they had appeared as main reasons for aadoo; in the year of 1998, ' ' the desire to exert amaternidade/paternidade' ' , being in first place, followed of: ' ' ajudaao prximo' '. Already in 1999, ' ' the desire to exert amaternidade/paternidade' ' it continued in first, however, in as it lugarficou ' ' the project of adotar' ' in third, ' ' aid aoprximo' '. These data had been gotten from realizadosnos surveys questionnaires applied in the service of adoption of a Pole of Infancy and dJuventude, of the DF. In the analysis of the data of the research, these same autorasargumentam that, the motivations that impel the adoptive ones, are factors importantesa to be considered by the technician responsible for this type of evaluation, noentanto, they believe that, ahead of the existence of more the diferentesmotivaes, it is not possible to determine if one is ' ' melhor' ' of what another one. In this direction, not being possible to evaluate and to warrant with absolute precision, if, ' ' this or aquele' ' reason will go to corroborate o' anticipatedly; ' sucesso' ' of the adoption. For WEBER (2004), the initial motivation that leads to the adoption, seems not to represent significant element in the life of the couple or of the family, therefore, in accordance with the author, the people can be to get passionate for the children, independent of the reasons that they had led to adopt them, being that the relationship emuma adoptive family can be constructed in the same way that in a famliabiolgica, not being the fact to the same have blood that will go to guarantee the love nor osucesso of the relation. Really, it seems to be undeniable the great importance that afamlia represents in the development of a child, independent of its tipode constitution, however, one gives credit that it is important to reflect on esta' ' instituio' ' , and the diverse papers that it plays in the contextosocial, therefore, its dynamics costuma of some form to influence in life deseus members. The FAMILY social Paper of the parents and the importance of the family for become childish Mothers and parents tend to play its respective different demodos roles in the familiar context, therefore, al