The Project

what you do any type of organization is in accordance with the development plans of losDepartamentos, municipalities or municipality where is benefiting or inclusive, withthe national development plans, making things go parallel to policies of the country in cuestion3. Seeks also that there is a management decentralized of the realization of the management, including the financial, so there is a nearest access to queestan agents to participate. This implies a profound change of the roles of the agenciascentrales and NGO s. If you realize, at all points of a Cooperaciondescentralizada it almost always give a boost to the population and dejarcapacidad instalada.4. Another thing is sustainability in time in previous processes made the cheese can call activitis, venia people making without making diagnosis very puntualesrespecto to the need for the populations, who believed that the poblacionnecesitaba and many of these actions were lost because many of the population requirement were not covered and the other things that you happened was that activities were made in an isolated waythey were not executed in relation to unproceso.5.

The other thing is that the permanence in time is an essential element required ensuring genuine participation and appropriation, which returns to this in primary elobjetivo which is people who receives the support, generates apropiarsede capacity management that is being involved. Is durability in time estapresupuestada in a project or multi-project compound entasas, centrifugal clearly limited in time, with very simple objectives, to please can be an iterative approach, i.e. that each phase is implemented or that unONG can do, multiply and that in order to cause a impact mayor.6. The other thing is that this type of correlation is pending what needs lacontraparte, with this I again point out to the fact that the needs of the populations are views the voices of those people this is very important wing time of the project being assessed by the international people, they have encuenta Diagnostics processes and that the history of the antecedents that go inthe project are very well detailedWhen making the project there is a unformato that is called the logical framework format, which is the international format;In this international format the background, justifications and the diagnosticosque are made to present the project must be documentadospara that the donor entity knows very well that the project will be carried.