The Project

The work should not be underestimated so some dentists get a trained quality management officer as project manager in the practice, which accompanies the project professionally. But what must the doctor observe, if he takes over project management for cost reasons, even not least? “The project plan the introduction of project work has at least two aspects: an organizational and a human”. “It will be in a doctor’s Office with generally more manageable number of employees, that all assistants on the project of QM” are involved. The employee and the doctor take over for an additional period of time Tasks and will face an increased workload. To get this organisation in the handle, the doctor designs a project plan first.

Objective of a doctor’s practice, which is to introduce a QM-system, is to rebuild confidence in the medical and economic performance of the practice patients and improve the quality of the result. This can be done if the practice developed a practice mission. This practice philosophy, in which the main objectives of the practice find themselves has a function of orientation: on the basis of the model provided all activities on the test bench, and to him the specific quality management system can be aligned. Is more based on the analysis of the actual state of practice processes: the quality system may be atop the practice does not, but should be associated with the existing conditions in accordance. When creating the project plan, the project manager takes into account the financial framework, the time frame and the human resources. Of course, every doctor needs to Project plan to adjust his practice-specific requirements. But always, he has to keep in mind that the project team meetings to be overcome in addition to everyday practical work. The project success is only possible if it is possible to make available the necessary resources and staff in the doctor’s Office, people are the bottleneck, because they are busy mostly with the patient care; These may not suffer the project work.