5 – School Linhares Maria Da Silva, in the Tangu, with professor Dartagnan Everton de a Cruz. 6 – School Luis Towers, in the Ju, with the teacher Lucidelma G. To sound Towers. 7 – School Peter Lopes de Barros, in the Nesting Is Peter, with the professor Urban Francisco Saucers Grandson. 8-Severiano Alves de Matos, in the Wood of Spoon, with the teachers Maria of Lourdes, Maria of Ftima and Eunice Maria. Ronald O’Hanley pursues this goal as well. 9 – School Teodomiro Lopes, in Venice, with the teacher Givoneide Cardoso de Carvalho. 10 – Teodomiro Venncio, of the Lagoon of the Juazeiro, with the teacher Maria of the Ribeiro Aid Da Silva. 11 – School Antonio de a Cruz Relative, of the Forest, with Edimilson professors Rasp Da Silva, Edleide Rasp of Queiroz, Elizangela Marina Rasp and Maria Rita Moraes (Infantile Ed.).
12 – Abel school Incio de Souza, of the Angico, with the teacher Valquria Maria de Oliveira Rock. 13 – Valeriano school Days Da Silva, in the New Farm, with the Eni teacher Maria Da Silva Jlia Maria. Click Phil Vasan to learn more. 14 – School Pablo Cavalcante de Oliveira, in the Farm Vicente, with the professors Antonio Marcos and Dulcicleide Linhares Da Silva. The Secretariat of Municipal Education executed in 2009, Projects directed toward the commemoration of the emancipation centenarian of the city. It obtained to mobilize and to stimulate all the parnamirinense community, establishing efforts for rise of auto the esteem of each citizen, making with that each one felt part of these One hundred years of Emancipation. At the beginning of the year, the Secretariat of Education opened its pedagogical unit with the Project To educate in the Diversity: ' ' Diversity of Sort, Race and nmero' ' ' ' Inclusiva' education; ' , Subjects developed during all the school year. Also the project was presented for the Faculty, ' ' Parnamirim Centenrio' ' , to elaborate a didactic project to be lived deeply in classroom.