The Text

Moreover, authorized dealers, who have access to the auctions, carefully checked and must have a crystal-clear reputation, but also to pay annual fees for the use of each auction separately. That is, buying at auction – it is very reliable, if approached wisely, ask those who have ever tasted. Another thing – find a company that would not you 'threw' is more difficult here. There are many companies that work through other companies, for instance, in Vladivostok, and they in turn with a Japanese company, a dealer, which directly related to the auction. Sir Richard Branson often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Here, the maximum risk. People are, of course, these companies can and honest work, but for your pocket passing through the entire 'chain' may be a bit expensive. This method is to private buyers are not yet ready to trust the Internet and the voice on the telephone, and predpochitayuischih deal with real people on the spot.

In any case, very careful in choosing a dealer, which tied your company and the vendor, check whether it is registered in JUMVEA – an association that is the most authoritative organization for the export of Japanese used cars, accredited by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan. And do not rush to contact different companies, ask questions, compare … … Yes, in the text Electonics site car dealers, everything looks smooth and easy, in fact sluchayustya and roughness. And it is not always the cause is unprofessional seller. For example, the painful question is the price that a customer is willing to pay for the right vehicle: it is often set 'ceiling' is not enough for successful purchase, failure follows failure, the client is upset and disappointed in buying at auction, but pay a little more to it so do not feel like …