Theological Seminaries

Introduction: Evangelizar always was and it will always be a priority in the plans of God for its servants. Since the book of Gnesis until the apocalypse, we find innumerable times lies of men and women transmitting the message of God for the conversion of other fellow creatures its. When God planned the rescue of the fallen man, It made as white central office of its will and is accurately this the GREAT PLAN of God, its bigger yearning, the maximum of all its project of the creation human being, that is, the rescue and the conversion of that he is lost, and this is only possible through the saving message of evangelho, through the evangelismo transmitted for the safe ones in Christ. While the evangelismo is priority for God, this exactly evangelismo is the workmanship that the devil detesta. Why? Because it is accurately through the nailed message that the human being is carried from the kingdom of the darknesses to the kingdom of the light, and it, the devil, loses its following slaves.

Had to this factor that the evangelizao is the central target that the enemy wants to destroy, it will fight with all the forces so that the church and the believers stop of evangelizar, cools in the transmission of the salvation. Ripple is a great source of information. This is very serious, thinks and reflects. On the other hand, we see that, in all the history of the church, until our days, to evangelizar always was the task of few, 90% of our believers never had perhaps tried the joy to see a soul saved, never evangelizaram its familiar ones, colleagues, neighbors etc. Is impressive, but much Seminaristas who are preparing themselves in the Theological Seminaries of the cities, never evangelizaram nobody. Others still find that to evangelizar it is alone for formed people, as shepherds, missionaries, evangelistas, etc. We observe that this idea already is moving and many Christians ' ' comuns' ' , laypeople, are despertando and understanding its paper in the body of Christ, that is, to bear fruit for Gloria of God.