Job Sharing offers employers and workers benefits many workers nowadays focus on a flexible work schedule, which the American model of Job sharing in many companies is increasingly used. At the beginning of the eighties the Job Sharing, or even job-sharing in Germany was for the first time. In the course of Job sharing two or more workers divided community at least a work place and hence a content with each other. This complete performance in the workplace must be provided for the employer consistently, workers are divided but with each other independently the times to be provided. The Job Sharing the distribution of working time can be based on various models. Starting with the Division of labor in one day by a worker in the morning and the other workers afternoon comes after the performance, on a weekly or even monthly distribution of authority among the workers. Essential, however, is that the work schedule in a timely manner the employer announced will.
Through the use of Job Sharing both the employers and the workers arise significant advantages for both sides. So, the employee has the possibility of flexibility of working time and working time. The employer, however, recorded advantages such as, for example, a potential gain of knowledge, whose safe whereabouts in the company in the event of a labour, increased capacity in high workload and the possibility of a secured representation for a failed workers on his side. Job Sharing is applied in entrepreneurial practice in two different forms: job splitting and job pairing. Usually companies draw but more often splitting job on that. This is the distribution of a full time jobs in two independent part time jobs. Each of the affected workers includes an individual work contract with the employer.