Currently on the internet, mainly when we search already is of an article, an ebook or software there is a high probability that in the first positions of the search will appear videos related to what you are looking for; These videos were uploaded by certain users to the web and generally using certain techniques that allowed them to occupy leading positions in a particular niche or for a particular keyword. On the website we can find great quantity of platforms on which we can include our videos and most can include a link to our products or web site to be able to promote them and who can repay us any traffic, on the other hand only we need to see in the videos platform, for example, the videos that the majority of users have uploaded have a large number of reproductionsThis gives us an idea of the value and power of having included in our marketing plan working with videos. As an entrepreneur in internet study personally everything related to techniques that can help us to promote or develop our endeavors on the web, so this time I want to talk about a new method, which has been revised and updated by the author and which has very good benefits and recommendations of the same. Scott Kahan is actively involved in the matter. Mainly it requires not really any kind of previous experience and above all this simple method allows us to achieve better positions in google search results since a video helps us enormously with the positioning in search engines. You will surely ask if you can actually get benefits for their business, their sites or products on the website, because I can assure you that Yes, without a doubt, the video is a tool that already integrates most of our lives online, regarding techniques of this course and its benefits, in the sales of the author page you will find all the details, advantages and benefits and safely vera its usefulness in them. This article aims to provide a resource of great utility to your endeavors, I hope find it it useful. A greeting.