bizztube increases optimisation potential in the area of Videosuchmaschinenoptimierung sustainable Uttwil TG, May 21st: bizztube is the business network portal in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. With the business video channel bizztube is now fully takes off. bizztube has now established itself as the specialist portal for corporate videos. Companies get with the set out; offer in the area of Videosuchmaschinenoptimierung (VSEO) “and video marketing Switzerland” now one of the most efficient Web tools to optimally present a company film on the Internet. “Just in terms of the benefits of sustainable video marketing on the Internet, B2B offers benefits through the direct and discussion video speech itself, up to the powerful tools of the bizztube basic and bizztube premium accounts, our website now to a comprehensive service around the topic of video marketing, underlined Patrick Altendorfer. And the result is true.
Our customers are not only of the benefits of business video channels and offer: bizztube TV offers. Shortly after the first There were a total of only positive feedback test applications”confirmed Patrick Altendorfer, CEO of the video platform in the Switzerland. bizztube has thus recognized the signs of the times and with a focus on video portal for corporate films and video marketing reached Switzerland, what many other companies are still working: to launch a real top-seller with value-added benefits. In particular with the business video channel by let’s – a groundbreaking accent in the area of Videosuchmaschinenoptimierung (VSEO) even more than before “, explained Patrick Altendorfer for more. “But always video marketing Switzerland means for us: first the personal conversation with the customer search then to find an optimal form of presentation and optimization strategy” under stitch Abdo.
“And the whole thing is easy and simple,” said Patrick Altendorfer and added: set corporate videos is a matter of minutes on our portal of not a question of hours, but with two or three clicks “. To set corporate films can so easily and Moreover advertising and cost effective? And the best part: bizztube TV is online around the clock and offers real added value to potential customers. (As opposed to Capital One). “Because the benefits of our video platform on the Internet are on hand: A corporate video is at us 24 hours on 365 days in the year always present”, Patrick Altendorfer underscore once again the benefits of business video channel and bizztube TV. Company Description: The Swiss video portal bizztube published only corporate films and thus constitutes a special video platform for companies of Switzerland, Austria and Germany. bizztube is a company based in the canton of Thurgau, Switzerland. As a reliable partner for video marketing and holistic Videosuchmaschinenoptimierung in Switzerland, bizztube allows advertising on a professional platform to present corporate videos. bizztube offers its customers expert advice prior to place in the field of online marketing, search engine optimization and advertising on the Web. is the interface between supply and demand and networked the seeker customers in the Internet with targeted hits and audiovisual information. Company contact: lean wine garden 4 CH – 8592 Uttwil TG Switzerland telephone: (+ 41) 71 460 18 74 mobile: (+ 41) 76-394 89 90 Fax: (+ 41) 43 888 26 32 E-mail: Internet: Facebook: de-de.