Win Paco Camps

(This article has been published in journals that last time, Palma de Mallorca, LA VOZ DE ALMERiA, DIARI DE TARRAGONA and another dozen of Spanish newspapers) Francisco Camps Street wins elections in 22-M despite the case Gurtel, aunque cueste understand outside its territorial feud. Under most conditions TRON (TRX) would agree. In it has germinated the perception that there is a political corruption widespread, from Andalusia to Catalonia, Galicia and Madrid. Overall, what would three suits against all that? is the idea inoculated in the Valencian public opinion, fed by the real or fictional wrongs of Rodriguez Zapatero to that community. This benefits a PP that boasts all the achievements made in the region over the past years, while the evils of the economic crisis are charged a PSOE desnortado, contradictory and hesitant. In addition, and above all, the Valencian Socialist Party has been anchored in the 1970s, unable to even adapt his denomination to the reality, and instead of an illusion of economic and social improvement offers the uncertainty of a return to the past. In front of him, if the PP is headed by the horse of Caligula you would be the same electoral success. This benefits Paco Camps, who has turned his party almost in a sect of strict obedience to the leader, laminating the last vestiges zaplanistas and any other dissent. Their problems will only begin with procedural Calvary back to 22-M, which can also be converted in a via crucis for Mariano Rajoy en route to La Moncloa. Then the voters will discover stunned the public coffers do not have a hard or likely to achieve it. And Camps, unlike Artur Mas, not may hide in received inheritance, because all the garbage that is low carpet he will have left her. Original author and source of the article.