Wolfgang Hien: Maintain Up To 67?

Review of research; ISBN: 978-3-940529-42-8 why seems unimaginable, to practice their profession to the stipulated retirement age it many caregivers? What impact have these findings on a highly socially significant profession? Of working scientists and medical sociologist Dr. Wolfgang Hien has come within the framework of his research nourishing to Word and does – without agitating to – critical position to a socially as well as professional politically explosive subject. Completely unimaginable”. The overwhelming response, as the work scientists and medical sociologist Wolfgang Hien was 20 older – mostly middle 50 – nurses wondered whether it was conceivable for them to exercise the nursing profession until the retirement age of 67 years. First of all, it sounds like a damning verdict on the future of a profession, which is indispensable and is still apparently very little appreciation in our society. But Wolfgang Hiens book maintain up to 67?”offers much more than moaning about the current and future situation of older nurses is a complex scientific exploration of the professional and socio-politically highly current theme. In what situation are older carers aged 50 and over? Why leave so many of them in advance the profession for health reasons? What could be done, however, to control? Wolfgang Hien not presume themselves to find an answer to these questions alone or alone to carry out a new assessment of nurturing.

Rather, he lets the nurses presented their work situations, in numerous quotations, even write a review. Here, the author in the sense of good qualitative social research has not claim to be able to make general statements. Rather, Wolfgang Hiens excerpts from interviews with its experts give an insight into the worlds of experience some carers. Statements are also covered with numbers from (advance registration) studies, such as sick days or early retirement, and embedded in the context of ergonomic findings. This approach looks authentic and credible.