XIX Fashion

In contrast of the imperialism of the projects of the symbolic fight of the classrooms, we show that in the history of the fashion, they had been the values and the modern cultural significaes, dignifying in particular New and the expression of the individuality human being, that the birth and the establishment of the system of the fashion of the delayed Average Age had become possible. (LIPOVETSKY, 1989, P. 11) the fashion, therefore as affirms Sant? Anna (2007) more than what to indicate the gostos that move of time in time, in order to take care of the will of distinction of a social group, it is a system, that constitutes the proper society where functions. Thus, as it affirms Crane (2006) what in century XIX it was but privilege of the elites, was become into a segmented universe, sphere of construction of identities and styles of life, for where they had started to transit individuals of different social classes. With the development of the distribution and production techniques, the game of social mobility and the advent of the advertising, the fashion loses its especificidade while historical product of the relation man-nature and acquires an essentially natural and necessary character in the modern world.

For the author, independently of any time or place, the clothes always were a social differentiator, a species of picture of a community or classroom. More still: the history of the fashion this inserted one in the proper development of the humanity and, consequently, in the evolution and the change of customs. On the other hand, the fashion clothes impersonate the ideals and hegemonic values of a definitive period. For another one, the choices of clothes reflect the forms for which the members of social groups and groupings of diverse same social levels see itself in relation to the dominant values. (CRANE, 2006, P. 454) Thus, the direction of the fashion is where the clothes mean something, and accurately for meaning something that it can be used as instrument of mediation between the individual and the direction that it prints in its action.